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Color journey by Okuda San Miguel | 艺术家奥田的色彩之旅

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2022-04-11 16:20 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  Spring has sprung at Wuhan K11 Art Mall's Chi K11 Art Space with a new art exhibition!
  这个春天武汉K11购物艺术中心全新艺术展览在chi K11艺术空间正式启幕。

  Visitor at the exhibition Photo by Zhou Chao
  Entitled "Kaos Trip," it showcases over 20 artworks by Spanish artist Okuda San Miguel, one of the world's most recognized and admired artists. These artworks cover largescale paintings, sculptures, and installations, including "Animal Series," that are open to the public for the first time.
  “卡奥斯狂想”展出世界知名西班牙艺术家奥田·圣·米格尔(Okuda San Miguel)作品20余件,集中呈现了奥田·圣·米格尔的大型绘画、雕塑、装置等多种形式的作品,其中《动物系列》更是首度亮相。

  Installation artwork by Okuda San Miguel Photo by Zhou Chao
  The exhibition has been hailed as Miguel's largest solo exhibition in China. It will continue until June 26. Interested readers can purchase tickets via the link released on a March 25 post at the WeChat account "武汉K11 (Wuhan K11)."
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
