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Wuhan Zoo welcomes red-crowned crane babies | 武汉动物园迎来更多丹顶鹤宝宝

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2022-05-12 17:06 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  Recently, three red-crowned crane couples at Wuhan Zoo became the proud parents of six newborn chicks.

  Baby red-crowned crane and its father Photo by Wang Shengkai
  Female red-crowned cranes in the wild commonly give birth to two babies and usually only one survives. In order to improve their survival rate, the zoo has arranged for the "father" to live in a cage with one of the babies and the "mother" in an adjacent cage with the other, within sight of each other. When the babies have grown to 10 or 15 days, the zoo will move them into two separate rooms to avoid fighting.
  Another set of red-crowned crane chicks is expected to hatch on May 16.
  (Edited by Zheng Xiaoan)
