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Household skills added to school curriculum | 中小学生要学煮饭啦

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2022-05-19 10:46 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  The Ministry of Education recently introduced a new course in labor education to the curriculum of primary and middle schools. Beginning in the fall semester students will take lessons related to labor skills at least once a week. People born in the 1970s and 1980s in China received labor education as a compulsory course, and many of them were pleased to see its comeback.

  Students in Wuhan doing housework at home
  Labor education is divided into three types: everyday chores, including cleaning, organizing, cooking, and using and maintaining home appliances; productive labor, including agriculture, making traditional handicrafts, and experience and application of new technologies; and service, including modern service labor and volunteer work. Besides developing students' interest in doing labor, the course aims to cultivate their correct view of the world, life, and values.
  Some students in Wuhan have already begun to put the new course into practice. Tian Ziyang, a 2nd-grade student at the Decai Primary School in Hanyang District, said, "From today onwards, I will do the dishes at home so that my mother can have a break!"
  This educational development has been applauded by many netizens. Some said, "It is always good to have more skills." Some affirmed that "household chores for teenagers are by no means a distraction. They will help drag children out of their addiction to electronics."
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
