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武汉一周双语推介 | This Week in News

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2022-06-10 14:50 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  ‘Discover Wuhan’, two years old
  Fans across the globe sent their best wishes to “Discover Wuhan” on June 8 as the day marked its second anniversary.
  “I’ve seen many beautiful places in Wuhan like the magnificent Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, wetlands and parks on this account,” said Ale Handelo from Mexico. “I’ve learnt from “discover Wuhan” that there are lots of snacks like hot-and-dry noodles and Shaomai,” said Guruh Riyanto from Indonesia. “Happy birthday to ‘Discover Wuhan’,” said Philton Solomona from Samoa. Russian artists Pavel Dolskiy, James Morris, head of a local international school, and Topal Hasan, owner of Turkish café ISPARTA, also shared their lives and how they have discovered their true selves in the city in the last two years.
  Over the past two years, more than 1.12 million people from more than 60 countries and regions have followed “Discover Wuhan”; the total views of posts on this account reached 90 million.
  来自墨西哥的阿雷·汉德洛说“雄伟的长江大桥、湿地和花园,通过‘发现武汉’账号,我看到这座城市更多美丽的地方。”来自印度尼西亚的Guruh Riyanto说“我从账号得知,武汉有很多小吃,比如热干面、烧卖等。”来自萨摩亚的涂优异祝福道“‘发现武汉’生日快乐。”罗斯艺术家道尔斯基,国际学校的校长詹睿思和ISPARTA咖啡厅老板哈森和全球网友分享了他们最近两年在武汉的生活,以及在武汉发现自己的故事。

  The three-day annual national college entrance examination, commonly known as Gaokao, began on June 7. Parents waiting outside the examination sites were dressed in red in the hope that this color could bring good luck to their children.
  First Brock Gold Medal Award winner in China

  On June 6, the 24th International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing took place in Nice, France. Li Deren, professor at Wuhan University, was presented the 2020 Brock Gold Medal.
  Up to now, 17 scientists have received this award since 1952. Li is China’s first recipient of this award, first in East Asia and second in Asia.
  Ezhou Huahu Airport to be operational

  Ezhou Huahu Airport will be in service at the end of June, and its cargo transport will begin in November.
  Time to play with water

  Many water parks are ready to open as local temperature keeps rising. Wuhan East Lake Ocean Park and Wuhan Playa Maya Water Park will open on June 14 and 18 respectively. Guys in Wuhan, ready for water play?
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
