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Foreign volunteers from Tongji Medical College serve local community | 同济留学生志愿者服务武汉社区

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2022-06-21 17:47 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  Recently, when Tricia Lewis, a third-year postgraduate student at Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science & Technology, walked into the Tongji Community in the Sino-French Wuhan Ecological Demonstration City, she was surprised to find a "train" there.
  5月29日上午,多米尼克留学生、华中科技大学附属同济医院研三学生Tricia Lewis,来到她熟悉的中法生态城同济社区,她惊奇发现仅半个月时间,社区里多了一个“小火车”。
  She walked inside the "train" and found out that on its walls there was a bilingual introduction to the community's volunteer teams and the Time Bank.
  Tricia Lewis走进“小火车”参观,这里用中英双语写有同济社区志愿者队伍以及同济社区时间银行。

  Foreign volunteers inside "train"
  Seeing Lewis and her classmates, Wang Lei, head of Tongji Community, said, "At the suggestion of the residents in the community, this train was built out of abandoned containers near the community. It is a new place where you can carry out various community activities. The time you spend on voluntary services can be converted into corresponding credits which can be deposited in our Time Bank. These credits can be withdrawn in real time in exchange for relevant services and daily necessities."
  “这是社区群众广思集益利用小区附近废弃集装箱改造而成,将是你们开展文明实践活动的新阵地。”同济社区书记王蕾看到Tricia Lewis和同学们到来,赶紧上前说道:“其中的‘时间银行’项目可根据从事志愿活动的时长,对应标准的爱心积分。志愿者将爱心积分存储进入时间银行,同时可实时支取用于兑换相应的服务及生活物资等。”

  Container "train" Photos by Chen Liang
  Lewis, aged 32, from Dominica, has studied and lived in China for nine years. She said that whether she stays in Wuhan or returns to her hometown, as a medical student she would love to offer community-based voluntary services such as taking blood pressure and giving out general knowledge related to healthy eating and living based on what she has learned in her medical studies.
  今年32岁的Tricia Lewis来自多米尼加,她已在中国学习生活了9年。她表示,作为一名医学生,无论是在武汉还是回到自己的家乡,她都很热衷参与社区志愿服务活动,利用自己所学的医学知识为群众量血压、测血糖,传授健康饮食,科普健康常识。
  There are currently 12 foreign volunteers serving in "Tongji Helping Seniors," a health service team.
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
