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"Orphan of Zhao" | 音乐剧《赵氏孤儿》

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2022-08-02 16:34 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  Stage photo of "Orphan of Zhao"
  The musical "The Orphan of Zhao," adapted from James Fenton's drama script of the same name, is based on the original work by Ji Junxiang, a playwright of the Yuan dynasty (1271—1368). Directed by Shanghai theater director Xu Jun, this play enriches dramatic expression by introducing the third person perspective, and constructs the world of Zhao's orphan with rich detail, which is a great highlight of China's original musical. The play explores the eternal themes of drama, such as life and death, humanity, love and redemption. It uses the mode and spiritual core of Western drama to reconstruct traditional Chinese stories, focusing on individual struggles and choices, and on seeking redemption and liberation through self-struggle.
  音乐剧《赵氏孤儿》取材自元代剧作家纪君祥原著《赵氏孤儿》,基于詹姆斯·芬顿(James Fenton)同名话剧本改编,由上海戏剧导演徐俊领衔,本剧引入“他者凝视”来丰富戏剧表现力,用满满的细节构建“赵孤世界”,是中国原创音乐剧浓墨重彩的一笔。这部剧探讨了戏剧永恒的主题,生死、人性、爱与救赎,用西方戏剧的模式和精神内核来重构传统的中国故事,关注个体的挣扎与取舍,在一次又一次的自我斗争中寻找救赎与解脱。
  Time: 7:30 p.m., Aug. 26-27
  Venue: Qintai Grand Theater (琴台大剧院)
  Tickets: ¥80, ¥100, ¥280, ¥480, ¥680, ¥880, ¥1080
  时间: 08.26-08.27日19:30
  票价:80元, 100元, 280元, 480元, 680元, 880元, 1080元
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
