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Shared bike O&M moves 800 bicycles a day | 单车运维员日行两万步搬车800辆

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2022-08-29 18:18 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  Despite the hot weather, bike operation and maintenance staff (O&M) have got their work cut out for them. Shi Liang, an O&M of Meituan Bike, is engaged in the orderly placing, deploying, and cleaning of shared bikes on Shuiguohu Street. Our reporter met him on Aug. 18, and at first glance was impressed by his dark skin.

  Shi Liang cleaning off advertisement stickers from shared bikes
  Starting work at 8 a.m., Shi has to place 800 bikes every day. He and his colleagues also have to clean off the advertisement stickers from the bikes and disinfect the bikes. It is a big job to walk 20,000 steps and move 800 bikes every day. That's why Shi's clothes are soaked with sweat. He said, "Seeing lines of bikes neatly placed and people enjoying the convenience of riding shared bikes gives me a deep sense of satisfaction."
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
