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Wuhan International Arbitration Center established | 武汉国际仲裁中心挂牌

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2022-08-30 14:00 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  The Wuhan International Arbitration Center was officially established on the morning of Aug. 18.
  Newly registered by the Ministry of Justice and the Hubei Provincial Department of Justice, its core business will be foreign arbitration. It will have the same staff as the existing Wuhan Arbitration Commission, but focus on different aspects of arbitration services.

  Opening Ceremony of the Wuhan International Arbitration Center Photo by Xu Weiwei
  The Wuhan Arbitration Commission currently has 1,149 arbitrators, of which 392 (34%) are competent in foreign affairs. By December 2021, the commission had handled nearly 500 foreign-related arbitration cases with a bid value of RMB 4.074 billion. The parties involved in the cases were from more than 20 countries and regions, including France, Germany, India, the U.K., and the U.S.
  As China is a state party to The New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, the awards made by the Wuhan Arbitration Commission are recognized and enforced by the courts of 168 participating countries and regions in the world.
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
