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Reeds in Chenhu Wetland | 沉湖湿地芦苇开成花海

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2022-11-16 17:01 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  More than 1,333 hectares of reeds in Chenhu Wetland in Caidian District are waving in the wind, like a sea of waves. They provide a perfect and beautiful shelter for the over 30,000 wintering waterfowl there. A number of triggered infrared cameras are set up in the bushes to take pictures of the birds and animals 24 hours a day.

  Reeds in Chenhu Wetland Photo by Li Ziyun
  The thriving reeds are the result of years of management and ecological restoration. The wetlands in the whole district yield 13,000 tons of reeds every year, 60 percent of which comes from Chenhu Wetland.
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
