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Serving the upgrade of industry! One more school for expatriate children set up服务产业升级!光谷再增一所外籍人员子女学校

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2023-02-23 09:46 来源: OVIS


  Wuhan is set to have its fifth K12 school for children of expatriates recently. OVIS, also known as Optics Valley International School, is the second school for children of Expatriates in Optics Valley.


  The school offers a 15-year education system straight from kindergarten to high school, serving children of expatriates from within and outside the Optics Valley and those of high-quality talents from high-tech enterprises introduced to the East Lake High-tech Zone.






  Wuhan Optics Valley International School (OVIS) is a strategic project initiated by the Administrative Committee of East Lake Hi-Tech Development Zone of Wuhan in 2020. The project aims to create a favorable environment to attract talent and serve for the industrial upgrading of Wuhan Optics Valley.

  With the endeavour to attract more "World Talents", Optics Valley has sped up the process of creating a "World Valley" in recent years.

  There are more than 360 foreign-related businesses, about 40,000 temporary foreign staff, and about 3,000 permanent foreign staff, most of whom are specialists, academics, and executives employed by companies in the East Lake High Tech Zone. They have a sizable need for excellent educational resources.

  So here comes OVIS.





  The OVIS campus has state-of-the-art amenities like central air conditioning, a fresh air system, a plastic runway, a multi-functional theater, a creative multimedia classroom, a dance rehearsal room, three fully equipped science labs, two music practice rooms, a library, and a learning area specifically for art, music, and drama activities.

  The architecture of the school's diversified teaching spaces not only ensures that a variety of courses can be taught there, but also fully accommodates the students' sporting requirements.


  作为武汉光谷康桥外籍人员子女学校的英籍校长,Mr. Iain Stevens对OVIS和光谷地区的前景充满信心,“我的儿子已经入读OVIS,我非常确信他能够在这里收获知识、自信和未来。”

  “我们将采用全英文的教学,学校的工作语言和授课语言都是英语,学生们将会在最纯粹的英语母语环境中学习和成长。”Mr. Iain Stevens介绍道。


  In addition to the infrastructure, the 'soft power' of OVIS must not be underestimated.

  Mr. Iain Stevens, the British Headmaster of OVIS, is extremely optimistic about the future of OVIS and the Optics Valley area, "My son is already enrolled at OVIS and I am very confident that he will gain knowledge, confidence and success here."

  "We will be teaching entirely in English. The working language of the school and the language of instruction will be English, and students are expected to learn and grow in the authentic native English environment." Mr. Iain Stevens explains.

  English as a working language is embedded in every corner of the campus. Stories, guidance signs, poetry conversations, emails, and character elements everywhere are all in English.


  孩子们和外教的学习交流过程,也是培养表达能力、交际能力的过程,当他们每天沉浸在全英文的语境中,native speaker(母语者)的语言环境能够让孩子脱离中式英语的桎梏,快速培养英语的语感,更快拥有英语思维。

  Mr. Iain Stevens表示,学校会提供纯粹英语母语环境、引进国际主流通用课程体系和与全球教育评估体系同步一致的评测模式,使所有学生迅速融入,未来无障碍地对接海外其他课程体系。

  具体而言,幼儿园阶段使用蒙台梭利教育体系,所有导师均拥有蒙台梭利AMI证书;小学阶段为IPC(International Primary Curriculum)课程,目前已被全世界90多个国家的1600所学校采用;中学阶段以IGCSE课程、A Level课程为主要课程,同时提供IB课程的选择。

  Meanwhile, the foreign teachers spend all day with the children as they learn and play, consciously asking them to talk in complete sentences, inspiring them to think before they speak, and developing their linguistic agility and logic.

  When they are immersed in an English-speaking environment every day, the native-speaker environment helps children to break away from the constraints of the Chinese-like English language and to rapidly build up their sense of expression and English thinking.

  Mr. Iain Stevens said that the school will provide a purely native English-speaking environment, introduce a common international curriculum and an assessment model that is in line with the global education assessment criteria, so that all students can integrate quickly and have a smooth transition to other overseas curriculum systems in the future.

  Specifically, At kindergarten stage, we have obtained the Montessori education method, with all instructors holding the Montessori AMI certificate; at primary stage, the IPC (International Primary Curriculum) curriculum is introduced, which has been adopted by 1,600 schools in over 90 countries worldwide; at the secondary stage, OVIS will inherit the advantages of Ulink Group and offer Cambridge IGCSE and A-Level curriculum, as well as IB curriculum, to meet the needs of different students.



  In terms of teachers, Ms Xu, who is responsible for international teacher recruitment at OVIS, said, "The school has already set up an experienced management team. As a member of the Global Recruitment Teachers Association, OVIS regularly participates in global foreign teacher recruitment and has a long-term stable resource of quality teachers."

  "I am considering this school because I think it has the immersion of a diverse international culture." A Korean parent who is choosing a primary school for his daughter said that the teachers and classmates at OVIS come from different countries, where world cultures collide and the cumulative effect of language and culture will become increasingly evident. He hopes that this cultural collision will enhance his child's self-esteem and self-confidence so that his child will be more energetic and creative.






  It is reported that the school plans to have an intake of 300 students. In future the school will offer one class per grade at the K12 level, with each class expected to have around 20 students.

  A professional curriculum, foreign teachers around the clock, an immersive English environment, perfect facilities and teaching tools ......

  Currently, OVIS is open for applications for kindergarten and primary school.






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