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译文欣赏:The field where the satyrs danced|《萨梯跳舞的田野》

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2023-03-29 09:36 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  The field where the satyrs danced 《萨梯跳舞的田野》

  Written by Lord Dunsany (邓萨尼勋爵 著)

  Translated by Peng Ping (彭萍 译)

  There is a field above my house in which I sometimes walk in the evening. And whenever I go there in summer I always see the same thing, very small and far off, the tiniest fraction of the wide view that one has, and not appearing until one has looked for it a little carefully—a field surrounded by woods, a green space all among shadows, which suggested to me, the very first time I saw it, an odd idea. But the idea was so evanescent, and floated by so like a traveling butterfly, that by the time I went again a few days later to look at the view at evening I barely remembered it. But then the idea came again, coming as suddenly as a wind that got up soon after sunset, bringing the chill of night a little before its time. And the idea was that to that field at evening satyrs slipped out of the woods to dance on the grass.

  从我的房子向高处走有一片田野,我傍晚有时会在那里散步。夏天,无论什么时候去,总能看到相同的东西,很小,离我很远,即使视力绝佳,如果不仔细看一点也发现不了——那是一块树木环绕的田野,是树荫中的一片翠绿。我第一次看见它就生出一种古怪的念头, 不过这种念头如此短暂,仿佛一只翩翩的蝴蝶瞬间飞走了。几天以后,傍晚再次看到这片田野,我几乎不记得那个古怪的念头了。不过后来,古怪的念头又出现了,如同日落后忽然刮起的风,早早地带来夜的寒意。这个念头就是:傍晚时分,萨梯会轻巧地走出森林,在这片田野的草地上翩翩起舞。

  Dancing in the field Photo by Dang Yajun

  (Edited by Zheng Xiaoan)