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Charming Chinese characters|中国汉字里的浪漫

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2023-03-31 09:34 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  Chinese characters not only serve for communication but also show how the ancient Chinese people perceived the universe in a romantic fashion. The Chinese ancients named wind, cloud, rain and fog with different beautiful words. These Chinese characters are endowed with elegant forms that enable people to imagine Nature fantastically.


  Rain: 灵泽 (líng zé)

  The elegant name of rain is 灵泽 (líng zé), which can be literally translated as heavenly water. In the eyes of the ancients, every raindrop carried with it emotions, sadness, emptiness or joy. This Chinese word always means unexpected surprise for them.



  Wind: 扶摇 (fú yáo)

  扶摇 (fú yáo) is a Chinese word that Li Bai, the most famous poet in the Tang dynasty, used in his lines "大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里 (dà péng yí rì tóng fēng qǐ, fú yáo zhí shàng jiǔ wàn lǐ)" which means "If once together with the wind the rock could rise, He could fly ninety thousand li up to the skies." The word takes us back to the Tang dynasty where we seem to see Li Bai's carefree and leisurely life and his ambition to go from the bottom up like wind.



  Fog: 水云 (shuǐ yún)

  Fog is often called 水云 (shuǐ yún) in the Chinese classics, which literally means water cloud. The fog is smart, either galloping through the fields or curling up into the sky. So, the word "水云" fully reveals fog's characteristics as moving, stagnating, condensing and dispersing like water.



  Sun: 扶光 (fú guāng)

  In Chinese literary works, the sunshine in spring and summer is called "春晖 (chūn huī, spring light)" and "骄阳 (jiāo yáng, scorching sun)" respectively. The sunshine in the evening is called "夕照 (xī zhào, evening glow)." The ancients believed that sunshine could dispel the decay and the dark, and nourish everything in nature. So, they called the sun "扶光 (fú guāng)," which literally means that the sunshine supports natural life. That is, if you have sunshine, you have the most beautiful thing in the world.




  Moon: 望舒 (wàng shū)

  To the ancients, the moon was the clearest and brightest guide in the night. The waxing and waning of the moon was an important basis for them to measure life and perceive the universe. So, it was often used by them to describe and express people's feelings. 望舒 (wàng shū) was the goddess who drove the cart for the moon in Chinese mythology. It can also refer to the moon.




  Photo by Chen Hanjun

  (Edited by Zheng Xiaoan)