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A heavenly canvas of fluffy clouds | 云朵收集者,武汉的天空@了你!

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2023-07-31 18:53 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  Wuhan's sky during July is a masterpiece of fluffy clouds and serene blue hues.


  The clouds resemble scenes from a whimsical comic book or traditional Chinese paintings. Gazing upwards, one can witness an abundance of clouds gracefully spread across the vast canvas of the deep blue sky.


  With a deep appreciation for the city's greenery, photographers have already positioned their cameras to capture the various shapes and formations of these clouds, as well as the vibrant life unfolding beneath the azure expanse. They eagerly seek to share the captivating beauty these clouds manifest in this very moment.


  Despite the summer heat, the skies and clouds infuse the season with beauty and serenity. Take a moment to pause and appreciate the breathtaking beauty of the skies above.


  (Edited by Wu Jie)