Announcement on International Competition for the Urban Design Research and the Conceptual Scheme Design of Building Clusters on the Core Plot in the Central Area of Wuhan Changjiang New District
2022年2月28日, 湖北省委、省 政府举行武汉长江新区成立大会,武汉长江新区正式揭牌成立。湖北省提出:规划建设武汉长江新区是实施全省区域发展布局的重要“棋眼”,有利于更好融入大局、服务国家战略,更好带动全局、增强湖北实力,更好优化格局、提升武汉能级,是百年大计、湖北大事,影响全局、事关未来,要强化顶层设计,高标准编制新区规划。长江新区中心片区作为新区的重点片区,将聚焦国际交往、创新策源、高端商务等功能,集中展示世界级滨水城市形象,将打造未来之城先行区、大美之城样板区、典范之城体验区。为尽快推进长江新区中心片区规划实施,开展本次武汉长江新区中心片区城市设计研究及核心地块建筑集群概念方案设计国际征集工作。
On February 28, 2022, the CPC Hubei Provincial Commi ttee and Hubei Provincial People’s Government held the inaugural meeting of Wuhan Changjiang New District. As proposed, the planning and construction of Wuhan Changjiang New District plays a key role in the regional d evelopment layout of Hubei Province for the better integration into the overall situation in line with national strategy. To further enhance the stren gths of Hubei under the overall layout, further optimize the pattern and upgrade the capacity of Wuhan are the major plans of Hubei for the next century. The planning for the new district should also be made with high standards amid the reinforcement of the top-l evel design. As a key area of the new district, the Central Area of Wuhan Changjiang New District, with focus on the international exchanges, innovative sources, high-end business and other functions, will strive to display the image of a world-class waterfront city, and build a pioneering, exemplary and demonstrative district for the future. For an effective implementation of the planning on the central area of Changjiang New District, it is hereby initiated the international competition for the designs of the urban design research and the conceptual scheme design of building clusters on the core plot in the central area of Wuhan Changjiang New District.
This competition is open for all excellent design institutions with relevant planning and design experience all over the world.
一、项目概况I. Project Overview
(一)项目名称(I) Project Name
International Competition for the Urban Design Research and the Conceptual Scheme Design of Building Clusters on the Core Plot in the Central Area of Wuhan Changjiang New District
(二)规划设计范围(Ⅱ) Scope of planning and design
This competition is composed of three aspects, namely scope of research, scope of urban design and conceptual scheme design of the building cluster on core plot. For documents on specific scope, please refer to the Design Order (to be provided after registration), of which the key task is the conceptual scheme design of the building cluster on the core plot, that is, the conceptual scheme design for the landmark buildings (e.g. 3-5 buildings/cluster) on the core plot of about 20-30 hectares.
(三)征集目标(III) Competition target
Following the industrial orientation of "hub, digit, intellectual creation, green and life", Wuhan Changjiang New District highlights the functions of modern metropolis like international exchanges, innovative policy sources and high-end business for the central area.
It is planned to seek the most creative urban design schemes from home and abroad for the central area of Wuhan Changjiang New District. The schemes should highlight the culture of the Yangtze River and the characteristics of Wuhan in principle of contiguous building with uniform designs, with international vision and prospective thinking and under the highest l evel and standard. Meanwhile, the schemes should also effectively exhibit the spaces for the future without any regret and defect from the perspectives of internationalization trend, new urbanization process and cutting-edge technologies, building the district into a featured benchmark boasting innovative elements on cooperation at home and abroad. The schemes under this competition will be highly supportive for the urban planning and construction in the central area of Wuhan Changjiang New District.
二、应征人资格要求II. Requirements on Applicant Qualifications
(I) The applicant shall be a legal entity duly registered according to law and engaged in urban and building design;
(II) The applicant shall have experience in urban design or urban cluster design similar to that of function and nature of this project;
(III) Participation in a consortium is acceptable for the competition, and the total number of leading unit and members of the consortium shall not exceed three. The registration by consortium shall also meet the following conditions:
1. All parties to the consortium shall sign a consortium agreement to clarify the rights and obligations of the leading unit and members thereof;
2. For participation in the form of a consortium, any party to the consortium shall not participate in its own name or in another consortium;
(IV) Except for the members of the consortium, the applicants to the competition shall not be involved in direct holdings, under ma nagement relationship or share the same person in charge.
三、征集流程III. Process of Competition
This competition contains three stages:
(I) Stage I: Pre-qualification
1、主办单位发布征集 公告,面向全球优秀的设计机构开展资格预审。
1. The Or ganizer issues a competition announcement.
2、有意参加本次征集活动的应征人可通过邮件进行信息登记(点击“阅读原文”下载信息登记表,填写完成后E-mail至指定邮箱)并签订《保密承诺函》,应征人信息登记表及资料以盖章或签字的PDF扫描版和DOC格式E-mail至邮箱 cjxqcssj@163.com ,协办单位收到后,将《武汉长江新区中心片区城市设计研究及核心地块建筑集群概念方案设计征集大纲》(下文简称《征集大纲》)电子版文件发送给应征人。《征集大纲》获取时间:2022年4月8日至2022年4月19日17:00( 中国北京时间)。
2. Any applicant with intent can make registration via e-mail and sign and submit the Letter of Commitment on Non-disclosure. The Applicant Registration and relevant documents shall be rendered in PDF scanned copy with seal or signature (also attached with DOC files) and shall be sent via e-mail to cjxqcssj@163.com. After the aforesaid documents are received, the Sponsor will send an electronic version of the Competition Outline for the Urban Design Research and the Conceptual Scheme Design of Building Clusters on the Core Plot in the Central Area of Wuhan Changjiang New District (hereinafter referred to as Competition Outline) to the applicant.
3、《征集大纲》获取时间:2022年4月8日至2022年4月19日17:00( 中国北京时间)。
3. Time to acquire the Competition Outline: April 8, 2022 to 17:00 on April 19, 2022 (Beijing Time).
4、应征人应按照《征集大纲》的要求编制资格预审文件,包括商务文件、技术文件和演示文件三个部分,并在递交截止时间2022年5月9日12:00前( 中国北京时间)将《资格预审文件》PDF扫描版发送至指定邮箱 cjxqcssj@163.com (收到资格预审文件的时间以上述指定邮箱收件箱显示的收件时间为准)。
4. The applicant shall prepare the Documents for Pre-qualification Application according to the Competition Outline, which includes three sections: business documents, technical documents and presentation documents, and send the PDF scanned copy of the Documents for Pre-qualification Application to the designated mailbox cjxqcssj@163.com before 12:00 on May 9 2022 (Beijing Time) (the time of receipt shall be subject to that specified in the inbox of the aforesaid mailbox).
5. The Or ganizers will review the Documents for Pre-qualification Application submitted by the applicant, and select six institutions to the next stage. The shortlisted institutions shall submit the Confirmation of Participation on time after receiving the notice of selection.
(II) Stage II: Urban Design Competition
1. The Or ganizers plan to invite the shortlisted design institutions to China for on-site Q&A and on-site reconnaissance on May 16, 2022.
2. The Or ganizers and Co-or ganizers will or ganize mid-term results inspection on June 16, 2022 around the fourth week after the commencement of Design Competition), for which the shortlisted design institutions shall arrange project leaders to make reports on the mid-term results.
3. The shortlisted design institutions shall submit the results to the workplace (to be specified later) designated by the Or ganizers before 12:00 on July 19, 2022.The Or ganizers will convene an expert review meeting (with time and place to be specified later) where the design institutions shall arrange project leader or the creator in chief to make a report on site. After expert review, a recommended ranking of the schemes will be defined and submitted to the Or ganizers for determining the institution to be engaged in scheme integration and deepening.
(III)Stage III: Scheme Integration and Deepening
The selected design institution to be engaged in scheme integration and deepening shall take in the advantages of other design schemes as required by the Or ganizers and Co-or ganizers within 60 calendar days after the said institution is selected. The integration results shall meet the ultimate requirements of this competition and shall be acceptable for the Or ganizers and the Co-or ganizers.
四、设计费IV. Design Fee
(I) At the second stage - Urban Design Competition, all the institutions participated in will be ranked upon expert review:
给予排名第一的设计机构350万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.1 will be given a design fee of RMB3.5 million;
给予排名第二的设计机构200万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.2 will be given a design fee of RMB2 million;
给予排名第三的设计机构200万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.3 will be given a design fee of RMB2 million;
给予排名第四的设计机构120万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.4 will be given a design fee of RMB1.2 million;
给予排名第五的设计机构120万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.5 will be given a design fee of RMB1.2 million;
给予排名第六的设计机构120万元 人民币的设计费。
The design institution ranking No.6 will be given a design fee of RMB1.2 million;
(二)确定的方案整合深化机构另外获得240万元 人民币的设计费。
(II) The selected institution to engaged in scheme integration and deepening will be given an extra of design fee of RMB2.4 million.
(Note: All the fees mentioned above are tax inclusive and all the design institutions involved must sign a contract with the Co-or ganizers.)
五、征集说明V. Instructions for Competition
(一)本次征集活动设计费均以 人民币在境内支付,境外应征人无法收取 人民币的,可授权国内合法 独立法 人代收款项。
(I) The design fees for this competition will be paid in RMB in China. For overseas applicants that are unable to receive Renminbi, a domestic independent legal person may be authorized for collection.
(II) The applicant has the right of authorship for its application scheme, which may be evaluated or demonstrated via media, professional magazines, books and periodicals or otherwise upon the permission of the Or ganizers. The Or ganizers, Co-or ganizers and project construction unit have the right to use the designs under this competition in the design process, and use all or part of or modify the design documents and results under this competition in adjusting and integrating the schemes of this project. The Or ganizers, Co-or ganizers and project construction unit may also print, publish and exhibit all the results from the competition, and evaluate, display and publicize the design results through media, professional magazines, books and periodicals or in any other form.
(三)应征人应保证提交的应征设计文件及设计成果在 中国境内以及境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。应征人应保证,若其应征设计文件使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人已经获得权利人的合法、有效、充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密所引起的全部赔偿责任应由应征人承担。
(III) The applicant shall guarantee that the submitted design documents and results are free from infringement upon the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright and patent right), technical know-how or business secrets of any other person in and out of China. The applicant shall guarantee that if any intellectual property right or know-how or business secrets of any other person is used or contained in the design documents, it has obtained the legal, effective and sufficient authorization of the right holders. The applicant shall bear all the liabilities for compensation arising from infringement on the intellectual property rights, technical know-how or business secrets of others.
(四)应征人所获设计费的税金(含 中国境内、外应缴纳的各项税费)和在整个过程中发生的一切费用均由应征人自理。
(IV) The taxes (including taxes and fees payable in and out of China) of design fee received by the applicant and all expenses incurred in the whole process shall be borne by the applicant.
(V) All documents and correspondence in this solicitation shall be rendered in Chinese or in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy between Chinese and English version, the former shall prevail.
(六)参加本次活动的应征人均被视为承认本 公告的所有条款。
(VI) All the applicants for this competition are deemed to have recognized all the terms under this announcement.
(VII) This competition and related documents shall be subject to the final interpretation of the Or ganizers.
(八)本次征集活动本身及与本次活动相关的文件所适用的法律和法规仅为 中华人民共和国的法律和法规。
(VIII) The laws and regulations applicable to this competition and the documents concerned are the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
六、组织机构与联系方式VI. Or ganizational Structure and Contact Information
主办单位Or ganizers武汉长江新城管理委员会Ma nagement Commi ttee of Wuhan Changjiang New Town武汉市自然资源和规划局Wuhan Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
承办单位Co-or ganizers
武汉市土地整理储备中心武汉长江新城分中心Wuhan Changjiang New Town Sub-center of Wuhan Land Arranging Storage Center“众规武汉”工作组ZHONG GUI WUHAN Working Group
技术支持单位Technical Supporter武汉市规划研究院Wuhan Planning & Design Institute
协办单位Sponsor湖北中盛汇金项目管理有限公司Hubei Zhongsheng Huijin Project Ma nagement Co., Ltd.
联系方式:Contact:(+86)027-82822290 027-82823506027-82823376(+86)15871395689 蔡先生 Mr. Cai
咨询时间:Consultation:9:00-12:00,15:00-17:30(周一至周五 Monday to Friday)
联系地址:Address: 中国湖北省武汉市江岸区胜利街128号新源大厦4楼4/F, Xinyuan Building, No.128 Shengli Street, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
2022年2月28日, 湖北省委、省 政府举行武汉长江新区成立大会,武汉长江新区正式揭牌成立。湖北省提出:规划建设武汉长江新区是实施全省区域发展布局的重要“棋眼”,有利于更好融入大局、服务国家战略,更好带动全局、增强湖北实力,更好优化格局、提升武汉能级,是百年大计、湖北大事,影响全局、事关未来,要强化顶层设计,高标准编制新区规划。长江新区中心片区作为新区的重点片区,将聚焦国际交往、创新策源、高端商务等功能,集中展示世界级滨水城市形象,将打造未来之城先行区、大美之城样板区、典范之城体验区。为尽快推进长江新区中心片区规划实施,开展本次武汉长江新区中心片区城市设计研究及核心地块建筑集群概念方案设计国际征集工作。
On February 28, 2022, the CPC Hubei Provincial Commi ttee and Hubei Provincial People’s Government held the inaugural meeting of Wuhan Changjiang New District. As proposed, the planning and construction of Wuhan Changjiang New District plays a key role in the regional d evelopment layout of Hubei Province for the better integration into the overall situation in line with national strategy. To further enhance the stren gths of Hubei under the overall layout, further optimize the pattern and upgrade the capacity of Wuhan are the major plans of Hubei for the next century. The planning for the new district should also be made with high standards amid the reinforcement of the top-l evel design. As a key area of the new district, the Central Area of Wuhan Changjiang New District, with focus on the international exchanges, innovative sources, high-end business and other functions, will strive to display the image of a world-class waterfront city, and build a pioneering, exemplary and demonstrative district for the future. For an effective implementation of the planning on the central area of Changjiang New District, it is hereby initiated the international competition for the designs of the urban design research and the conceptual scheme design of building clusters on the core plot in the central area of Wuhan Changjiang New District.
This competition is open for all excellent design institutions with relevant planning and design experience all over the world.
一、项目概况I. Project Overview
(一)项目名称(I) Project Name
International Competition for the Urban Design Research and the Conceptual Scheme Design of Building Clusters on the Core Plot in the Central Area of Wuhan Changjiang New District
(二)规划设计范围(Ⅱ) Scope of planning and design
This competition is composed of three aspects, namely scope of research, scope of urban design and conceptual scheme design of the building cluster on core plot. For documents on specific scope, please refer to the Design Order (to be provided after registration), of which the key task is the conceptual scheme design of the building cluster on the core plot, that is, the conceptual scheme design for the landmark buildings (e.g. 3-5 buildings/cluster) on the core plot of about 20-30 hectares.
(三)征集目标(III) Competition target
Following the industrial orientation of "hub, digit, intellectual creation, green and life", Wuhan Changjiang New District highlights the functions of modern metropolis like international exchanges, innovative policy sources and high-end business for the central area.
It is planned to seek the most creative urban design schemes from home and abroad for the central area of Wuhan Changjiang New District. The schemes should highlight the culture of the Yangtze River and the characteristics of Wuhan in principle of contiguous building with uniform designs, with international vision and prospective thinking and under the highest l evel and standard. Meanwhile, the schemes should also effectively exhibit the spaces for the future without any regret and defect from the perspectives of internationalization trend, new urbanization process and cutting-edge technologies, building the district into a featured benchmark boasting innovative elements on cooperation at home and abroad. The schemes under this competition will be highly supportive for the urban planning and construction in the central area of Wuhan Changjiang New District.
二、应征人资格要求II. Requirements on Applicant Qualifications
(I) The applicant shall be a legal entity duly registered according to law and engaged in urban and building design;
(II) The applicant shall have experience in urban design or urban cluster design similar to that of function and nature of this project;
(III) Participation in a consortium is acceptable for the competition, and the total number of leading unit and members of the consortium shall not exceed three. The registration by consortium shall also meet the following conditions:
1. All parties to the consortium shall sign a consortium agreement to clarify the rights and obligations of the leading unit and members thereof;
2. For participation in the form of a consortium, any party to the consortium shall not participate in its own name or in another consortium;
(IV) Except for the members of the consortium, the applicants to the competition shall not be involved in direct holdings, under ma nagement relationship or share the same person in charge.
三、征集流程III. Process of Competition
This competition contains three stages:
(I) Stage I: Pre-qualification
1、主办单位发布征集 公告,面向全球优秀的设计机构开展资格预审。
1. The Or ganizer issues a competition announcement.
2、有意参加本次征集活动的应征人可通过邮件进行信息登记(点击“阅读原文”下载信息登记表,填写完成后E-mail至指定邮箱)并签订《保密承诺函》,应征人信息登记表及资料以盖章或签字的PDF扫描版和DOC格式E-mail至邮箱 cjxqcssj@163.com ,协办单位收到后,将《武汉长江新区中心片区城市设计研究及核心地块建筑集群概念方案设计征集大纲》(下文简称《征集大纲》)电子版文件发送给应征人。《征集大纲》获取时间:2022年4月8日至2022年4月19日17:00( 中国北京时间)。
2. Any applicant with intent can make registration via e-mail and sign and submit the Letter of Commitment on Non-disclosure. The Applicant Registration and relevant documents shall be rendered in PDF scanned copy with seal or signature (also attached with DOC files) and shall be sent via e-mail to cjxqcssj@163.com. After the aforesaid documents are received, the Sponsor will send an electronic version of the Competition Outline for the Urban Design Research and the Conceptual Scheme Design of Building Clusters on the Core Plot in the Central Area of Wuhan Changjiang New District (hereinafter referred to as Competition Outline) to the applicant.
3、《征集大纲》获取时间:2022年4月8日至2022年4月19日17:00( 中国北京时间)。
3. Time to acquire the Competition Outline: April 8, 2022 to 17:00 on April 19, 2022 (Beijing Time).
4、应征人应按照《征集大纲》的要求编制资格预审文件,包括商务文件、技术文件和演示文件三个部分,并在递交截止时间2022年5月9日12:00前( 中国北京时间)将《资格预审文件》PDF扫描版发送至指定邮箱 cjxqcssj@163.com (收到资格预审文件的时间以上述指定邮箱收件箱显示的收件时间为准)。
4. The applicant shall prepare the Documents for Pre-qualification Application according to the Competition Outline, which includes three sections: business documents, technical documents and presentation documents, and send the PDF scanned copy of the Documents for Pre-qualification Application to the designated mailbox cjxqcssj@163.com before 12:00 on May 9 2022 (Beijing Time) (the time of receipt shall be subject to that specified in the inbox of the aforesaid mailbox).
5. The Or ganizers will review the Documents for Pre-qualification Application submitted by the applicant, and select six institutions to the next stage. The shortlisted institutions shall submit the Confirmation of Participation on time after receiving the notice of selection.
(II) Stage II: Urban Design Competition
1. The Or ganizers plan to invite the shortlisted design institutions to China for on-site Q&A and on-site reconnaissance on May 16, 2022.
2. The Or ganizers and Co-or ganizers will or ganize mid-term results inspection on June 16, 2022 around the fourth week after the commencement of Design Competition), for which the shortlisted design institutions shall arrange project leaders to make reports on the mid-term results.
3. The shortlisted design institutions shall submit the results to the workplace (to be specified later) designated by the Or ganizers before 12:00 on July 19, 2022.The Or ganizers will convene an expert review meeting (with time and place to be specified later) where the design institutions shall arrange project leader or the creator in chief to make a report on site. After expert review, a recommended ranking of the schemes will be defined and submitted to the Or ganizers for determining the institution to be engaged in scheme integration and deepening.
(III)Stage III: Scheme Integration and Deepening
The selected design institution to be engaged in scheme integration and deepening shall take in the advantages of other design schemes as required by the Or ganizers and Co-or ganizers within 60 calendar days after the said institution is selected. The integration results shall meet the ultimate requirements of this competition and shall be acceptable for the Or ganizers and the Co-or ganizers.
四、设计费IV. Design Fee
(I) At the second stage - Urban Design Competition, all the institutions participated in will be ranked upon expert review:
给予排名第一的设计机构350万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.1 will be given a design fee of RMB3.5 million;
给予排名第二的设计机构200万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.2 will be given a design fee of RMB2 million;
给予排名第三的设计机构200万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.3 will be given a design fee of RMB2 million;
给予排名第四的设计机构120万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.4 will be given a design fee of RMB1.2 million;
给予排名第五的设计机构120万元 人民币的设计费,
The design institution ranking No.5 will be given a design fee of RMB1.2 million;
给予排名第六的设计机构120万元 人民币的设计费。
The design institution ranking No.6 will be given a design fee of RMB1.2 million;
(二)确定的方案整合深化机构另外获得240万元 人民币的设计费。
(II) The selected institution to engaged in scheme integration and deepening will be given an extra of design fee of RMB2.4 million.
(Note: All the fees mentioned above are tax inclusive and all the design institutions involved must sign a contract with the Co-or ganizers.)
五、征集说明V. Instructions for Competition
(一)本次征集活动设计费均以 人民币在境内支付,境外应征人无法收取 人民币的,可授权国内合法 独立法 人代收款项。
(I) The design fees for this competition will be paid in RMB in China. For overseas applicants that are unable to receive Renminbi, a domestic independent legal person may be authorized for collection.
(II) The applicant has the right of authorship for its application scheme, which may be evaluated or demonstrated via media, professional magazines, books and periodicals or otherwise upon the permission of the Or ganizers. The Or ganizers, Co-or ganizers and project construction unit have the right to use the designs under this competition in the design process, and use all or part of or modify the design documents and results under this competition in adjusting and integrating the schemes of this project. The Or ganizers, Co-or ganizers and project construction unit may also print, publish and exhibit all the results from the competition, and evaluate, display and publicize the design results through media, professional magazines, books and periodicals or in any other form.
(三)应征人应保证提交的应征设计文件及设计成果在 中国境内以及境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。应征人应保证,若其应征设计文件使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人已经获得权利人的合法、有效、充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密所引起的全部赔偿责任应由应征人承担。
(III) The applicant shall guarantee that the submitted design documents and results are free from infringement upon the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright and patent right), technical know-how or business secrets of any other person in and out of China. The applicant shall guarantee that if any intellectual property right or know-how or business secrets of any other person is used or contained in the design documents, it has obtained the legal, effective and sufficient authorization of the right holders. The applicant shall bear all the liabilities for compensation arising from infringement on the intellectual property rights, technical know-how or business secrets of others.
(四)应征人所获设计费的税金(含 中国境内、外应缴纳的各项税费)和在整个过程中发生的一切费用均由应征人自理。
(IV) The taxes (including taxes and fees payable in and out of China) of design fee received by the applicant and all expenses incurred in the whole process shall be borne by the applicant.
(V) All documents and correspondence in this solicitation shall be rendered in Chinese or in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy between Chinese and English version, the former shall prevail.
(六)参加本次活动的应征人均被视为承认本 公告的所有条款。
(VI) All the applicants for this competition are deemed to have recognized all the terms under this announcement.
(VII) This competition and related documents shall be subject to the final interpretation of the Or ganizers.
(八)本次征集活动本身及与本次活动相关的文件所适用的法律和法规仅为 中华人民共和国的法律和法规。
(VIII) The laws and regulations applicable to this competition and the documents concerned are the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
六、组织机构与联系方式VI. Or ganizational Structure and Contact Information
主办单位Or ganizers武汉长江新城管理委员会Ma nagement Commi ttee of Wuhan Changjiang New Town武汉市自然资源和规划局Wuhan Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
承办单位Co-or ganizers
武汉市土地整理储备中心武汉长江新城分中心Wuhan Changjiang New Town Sub-center of Wuhan Land Arranging Storage Center“众规武汉”工作组ZHONG GUI WUHAN Working Group
技术支持单位Technical Supporter武汉市规划研究院Wuhan Planning & Design Institute
协办单位Sponsor湖北中盛汇金项目管理有限公司Hubei Zhongsheng Huijin Project Ma nagement Co., Ltd.
联系方式:Contact:(+86)027-82822290 027-82823506027-82823376(+86)15871395689 蔡先生 Mr. Cai
咨询时间:Consultation:9:00-12:00,15:00-17:30(周一至周五 Monday to Friday)
联系地址:Address: 中国湖北省武汉市江岸区胜利街128号新源大厦4楼4/F, Xinyuan Building, No.128 Shengli Street, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
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