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2022-06-24 19:22 来源: 武汉发布

  Here come lotus fairies

  6月18日,一场汉服秀在沙湖公园滨水广场精彩上演,身穿精美汉服的小模特们以荷塘美景为幕,再现中华文化之美。“发现武汉”海外账号与百万粉丝分享了一组荷花仙女照片,可爱的“小仙女们”赢得众多网友点赞。Mirta Castro感叹到“Hermosas”(西班牙语:太美丽啦),Andris Guevara留言“Que bellas”(西班牙语:真漂亮)。
  A Hanfu show was staged at Binshui Square of Shahu Park (沙湖公园滨水广场) on June 18 where little modals dressed in delicate Hanfu displayed the beauty of Chinese culture by a lotus pond.
  “Discover Wuhan” shared a set of photos with its one million followers. These adorable ‘lotus fairies’ received many likes online. Mirta Castro exclaimed “Hermosas (Gorgeous);” Andris Guevara said “Que bellas (So beautiful).”
  2022 Skateboarding Ramp Tour held

  X GAMES CHINA 2022滑板U池巡回赛首站武汉站19日落幕,历时两天的比赛吸引了24位选手参赛,年龄最小的选手仅4岁。
  The first leg of the X Games China 2022 Skateboarding Ramp Tour just ended in Wuhan on June 19. The two-day games attracted 24 participants, among them the youngest one is only four years old.
  After the tour in Wuhan, the Skateboarding Ramp Tour will take place in Chongqing, Tianjin, and Beijing, before the finals reach Shanghai where the top 20 skateboarders will compete.
  Kazakhstan graduate’s commencement speech impresses HUT
  “Five years ago, a young boy from Kazakhstan came to China, and then fell in love with a city called Wuhan and a university called Hubei University of Technology (HUT). He also became a big fan of Lao Gan Ma Chilli Sauce…” Zhou Annan, a graduate from Kazakhstan, spoke in fluent Chinese at the commencement ceremony of the university. He has obtained his bachelor’s degree in digital media art. Congratulations!
  Wuhan college student boosts Suizhou peach sales via e-commerce

  At 5:00 a.m. on June 22, Ye Haoran was riding his tricycle to a peach orchard; he would then send 100 kg peaches to a courier service site.
  Ye, 20 years old, comes from Suizhou, Hubei Province. He studies Computer Science and Technology at Wuhan International Trade University, and has just finished his first year. Ten days after the beginning of his summer break, he sold 2,500 kg of peaches. He plans to expand his skills in e-commerce. “We will learn website design next semester and I also want to design our unique packaging. I’m now applying for a business license. As we plan to sell peaches through livestreaming, I’ve learned how to edit videos on Douyin.”
  Robot dog on street

  Photographer Li Changlin captured an interesting scene recently. In his photos, a robot dog was walking alongside its human master near Hankou Customs House. Many passersby stopped and watched it with curiosity.
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  翻译  叶诗雨 审校  黄哲 视觉 李靖 语言顾问 朱盛教 Jacob Dominguez-Nelson 编辑 叶讳丽

