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Giant 'flower' blooming in Tangxun Lake | 汤逊湖开出巨型“花朵”

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2022-03-11 15:59 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  While visiting Hongqi Lake in Tangxunhu Scenic Spot on March 2, many people noticed a giant "flower" blooming there. The "flower" is an artificial floating wetland that covers nearly 5,000 square meters of the lake.

  ▲ The artificial floating wetland Photo by Ren Yong
  Made of composite fiber, it is covered with densely distributed fist-sized round holes in which grow aquatic plants that can purify water. While decontaminating the lake and beautifying the environment, this "flower" can also provide a habitat for migratory birds.
  The "flower" is part of a comprehensive environmental control project that was initiated in the Tangxunhu area in August 2020. The first phase of the project has been completed.
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
