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TCM doctor offers online advice on parenting | 中医在线教育娃

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2022-03-11 15:32 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  Hu Jiancong, a 36-year-old doctor at the Jiyuqiao Street Community Health Service Center, is a parenting blogger for moms. He uses his knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to answer their questions online.

  ▲ Hu Jiancong communicates with patients.
  Hu's first parenting group officially started operations in September, 2018. He combines science popularization with outpatient service so that mothers in the group can not only learn scientific parenting knowledge and emergency home rescue measures, but also have online consultations at any time regarding their baby's health. Over the past four years, the number of his parenting groups has grown to seven, with more than 2,400 mothers joining in.
  In this way, Hu hopes to pass on and promote TCM culture. "Some children tell me they want to learn TCM in the future. I feel so happy and professionally fulfilled."
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
