New BRT lines serve Auto Valley | 车谷通勤圈开通快速公交线路
Four new BRT lines starting from Auto Valley were put into service on May 16. The number of BRT lines in the city has thus increased to six.
Newly opened BRT buses Photo by Xu Weiwei
The average speed of the BRT buses can reach 22 km/h, and the stops along the way are further apart than on regular bus lines. K1 goes from Auto Valley to the Optics Valley Financial Harbor, K2 to universities such as Wuhan University of Technology and Huazhong Agricultural University, K3 to the Jiangxia Jinkou Automobile Industrial Park, and K4 to downtown Hankou.
Jia Dandan, the executive director of the 103 Incubator, an incubation brand of the Optics Valley Startup Coffee Co., Ltd., travels between Optics Valley and Auto Valley several times a week. The trip used to be several hours long, but Jia said: "The newly opened K1 and K2 save time for us commuters."
光谷创业咖啡有限公司的孵化品牌--103孵化器的执行董事贾丹丹因工作需要每周多次往返光谷、车谷。以前,这一过程要 几个小时之久,她说“K1路快速公交线路开通后,我们从车谷去光谷,会更便捷更省时间。”
(Edited by Ye Shiyu)
Newly opened BRT buses Photo by Xu Weiwei
The average speed of the BRT buses can reach 22 km/h, and the stops along the way are further apart than on regular bus lines. K1 goes from Auto Valley to the Optics Valley Financial Harbor, K2 to universities such as Wuhan University of Technology and Huazhong Agricultural University, K3 to the Jiangxia Jinkou Automobile Industrial Park, and K4 to downtown Hankou.
Jia Dandan, the executive director of the 103 Incubator, an incubation brand of the Optics Valley Startup Coffee Co., Ltd., travels between Optics Valley and Auto Valley several times a week. The trip used to be several hours long, but Jia said: "The newly opened K1 and K2 save time for us commuters."
光谷创业咖啡有限公司的孵化品牌--103孵化器的执行董事贾丹丹因工作需要每周多次往返光谷、车谷。以前,这一过程要 几个小时之久,她说“K1路快速公交线路开通后,我们从车谷去光谷,会更便捷更省时间。”
(Edited by Ye Shiyu)
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