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Visiting 11 Wuhan Yangtze River bridges during cycling tour | 骑行106天打卡武汉11座长江大桥

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2022-06-28 17:45 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  On Feb. 19, Huang He set off from Liaoyuan, Jilin province on a bicycle and rode south. He planned to arrive in Guangzhou by July 10 and then fly to Pakistan. He rode alone, regularly live-streaming his journey and posting short video clips on a blog.
  On the evening of June 5, Huang arrived in Wuhan and livestreamed from the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. When he saw posts informing him that there were 11 bridges spanning the Yangtze River in the city, he decided to visit them all. "I originally planned to stay in Wuhan for three days, but ended up lingering for 10," said Huang.

  Huang took photo with Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge.
  On the bridges with bicycle lanes, he rode his bike all the way across them. For bridges inaccessible by bike, he took photos from below. For those that are zoned exclusively for motor vehicles, he got on a bus and took photos from the windows.
  Huang also visited some popular places in Wuhan such as Liangdao Street, the Water Tower, Yellow Crane Tower, Hubu Alley, various riverside parks, and the East Lake Scenic Spot. He also boarded the driverless Metro Line 5 to go and see the Sword of Goujian and the chime bells in the Hubei Provincial Museum.
  Every night Huang livestreamed while strolling along the Hankou and Wuchang riversides, interacting with the local citizens. "People in Wuhan are really hospitable," Huang said.
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
