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Free sports summer camp around corner | 免费体育夏令营来啦

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2022-07-07 17:16 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  As the summer holiday is approaching, the 2022 Wuhan Youth Sports Summer Camp will begin in July. More than 22,000 primary and middle school students will be able to receive free training in 20 sports such as soccer, tennis, badminton, archery, equestrian riding, and skateboarding. In addition, 41 swimming pools in the city will provide students with 22 days of swimming lessons for free.

  Archery training Photo by Yu Zhiyong
  Roller skating, shooting, curling and skateboarding programs are new this year. The quota for attendees has also increased from last year's 16,000 by more than 6,000.
  The 12-day summer camp will begin on July 6 at 241 training sites distributed throughout all the urban areas of the city. Interested students can apply via the WeChat public account "武汉智慧体育 服务平台" on July 2 and 3. Each student can sign up for only one sports skill.

  Swimming lesson Photo by Yu Zhiyong
  The free swimming program will run between July 10 and 31. Each student must be accompanied by a parent. The latter will be admitted at a discounted ticket price of RMB 2.
  The summer camp has been running for more than 10 years and has logged more than 200,000 person-visits every year.
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
