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10th Wuhan 'Opera Wharf' Chinese Opera Art Festival closes | 第十届武汉戏码头中华戏曲艺术节闭幕

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2022-09-01 18:20 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  The month-long 10th Wuhan "Opera Wharf" Chinese Opera Art Festival ended with its closing performance at the Wuhan Theater on Aug. 18, at which the newly orchestrated Chu opera "Yang Naiwu" by Wuhan Chu Theater was debuted.

  Peking Opera performance at the festival Photo by Ren Yong
  During the festival, seven outstanding opera troupes presented 31 traditional Chinese operas for Wuhan audiences, attracting nearly 15,000 spectators. As a work tailored for the festival, the immersive Peking Opera "Yi Zhangqing" was performed 10 consecutive times at the small theater of the Wuhan Theater, causing an immediate sensation.
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
