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Satellite for public health support to be developed in Wuhan | 这颗健康研究领域的卫星来自武汉

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2022-08-31 18:52 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  A press conference held by Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University on Aug. 16 revealed that a remote sensing satellite for public health support will be launched at the 100th anniversary of the hospital next year. The Luojia No.4 01 will be used to detect environmental factors that affect people's health, help to trace sources of infectious diseases and analyze causes of endemic diseases, assist prevention and control of post-disaster epidemics, among other functions.
  8月16日,武汉大学人民医院新闻发布会透露,一颗健康研究领域的专用遥感卫星将于2023年该院百年院庆之际发射升空。珞珈四号01星 将应用于探测影响人类健康的环境因子,服务于传染病溯源、地方性疾病分析、灾后疫情防控等。

  Model of the satellite shown at the press conference Photo by Liu Yu
  According to Gong Jianya, president of the hospital, the satellite's design payload weighs about 50 kilograms and is equipped with visible light hyperspectral cameras and ultraviolet cameras that can operate in multiple modes. The satellite will be completed within 12 months, and it is expected to leave the factory in August 2023, and be launched at the hospital's centennial anniversary by October 2023.
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
