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Central China's downtown duty-free shop to locate in Wuhan | 华中首家市内免税店落户武汉

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2022-09-26 15:18 来源: ChangjiangWeekly
  Hubei International Trade Group's NODE+ 5% duty-free shop, the first downtown dutyfree shop in Central China, is slated to open in Wuhan Tiandi in October.

  The duty-free shop to open soon
  NODE+ 5% shop, jointly ventured by Hubei International Trade Group and Wuhan Nodeplus Technology Co., Ltd., is expected to have a store area of around 500 square meters. It will feature modern logistics such as intelligent vending and online ordering with store pickup.
  By integrating online ordering, big data intelligence aided logistics, and home delivery, it will shape a 24-hour duty-free shop on your doorstep.
  (Edited by Ye Shiyu) 
