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'Golden Imagination' — New Year's concert by organ and symphony orchestra | 金色畅想—管风琴与交响乐团新年音乐会

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2023-02-21 23:52 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  Accompanied by the Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra, well-known organist Li Yihua will play the first "sound" of the golden organ situated in Qintai Concert Hall in the year 2023.


  Stage photo of 'Golden Imagination'

  The repertoire includes German composers' works — George Friedrich Handel's Organ Concerto in F Major, Op.4 No.4, and Mendelssohn's Symphony No.4 in A Major, Op.90 — as well as the premiere of the organ solo work "Flowers Blooming" by Jiang Chenxi, a contemporary Chinese composer.

  德国作曲家亨德尔的《F大调管风琴协奏曲,Op.4 No.4》和门德尔松的交响曲《A大调第四交响曲,Op.90》将在此奏响,此外,由当代中国作曲家江辰曦创作的管风琴独奏作品《花开》将在武汉震撼首演。

  Time: 7:30 p.m., Feb. 24

  时间:2月24日 19:30

  Venue: Qintai Concert Hall (琴台音乐厅)


  Tickets: ¥50, ¥100, ¥180, ¥280, ¥480

  票价:¥50, ¥100, ¥180, ¥280, ¥480

  (Edited by Ye Shiyu)