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Piano exhibition in the mall | 商场里的钢琴展

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2023-02-23 22:39 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  On the afternoon of Feb. 7, the Wuhan Qintai Piano Museum put on a piano recital in the Wushang City Outlets in Jianshe 2nd Road, Qingshan District. Performers from the Wuhan Musicians' Association played 20 famous piano pieces in front of a large and appreciative audience. Some children also played piano music on the spot.


  Citizens visiting pianos on display Photo by Wan Jianhui

  This concert was part of the opening ceremony of the Wuhan Qintai Piano Museum's "One Hundred Century-old World-Famous Pianos Exhibition." More than 150 antique pianos and some modern ones collected by the museum from all over the world are on display there.


  The exhibition will continue for six months. Visitors can learn about the history of the piano there.


  (Edited by Ye Shiyu)