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Time-honored brands cultural & creative products | “老字号”现场牵手文化企业

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2023-02-22 17:14 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  On Feb. 8, a matchmaking meeting between Wuhan cultural and creative IP companies and time-honored brand groups was held in Red T Fashion Creative District.


  About 50 local time-honored brands such as Cailinji, Mayinglong Pharm, Sijimei and Wufangzhai and more than 100 enterprises including Tencent, Douyin, Douyu, and Changjiang Cultural & Creative Industry Development Co. attended the event. The latter offered suggestions in accordance with their own businesses on IP, content, and scenarios related to creative products.


  Jinyun Interactive Media focused on creating an exclusive metaverse for these brands.


  (Edited by Ye Shiyu)