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International students go on rural tours in Xianning | 国际学生打卡咸宁乡村游

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2023-07-24 14:43 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  Between July 13 and 15, six international students from the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) formed a research and presentation group to carry out social activities in Maishi Town, Xianning, Hubei during their summer vacation. They are from from Russia, Afghanistan, Ghana, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Bolivia.


  There they visited enterprises and farmhouses, experienced traditional handicrafts, and went on rural tours.


  At Jingtang Village, they made live broadcasts in which they helped promote local agricultural products such as grapes, watermelons, and dragon fruits.


  Niazi Ahmad Jawid, a student from Afghanistan, happily exclaimed, "Last year, my friends and I came here for the first time and tasted Maishi grapes and discovered that the fruits here are very delicious. So, I signed up for the visit again this year."

  “去年,我和小伙伴们第一次来到这里品尝到麦市葡萄,感觉这里的水果特别好吃,今年我又报名来了。” 阿富汗籍国际学生何方语开心地说。

  (Edited by Ye Shiyu)