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A team from WHU reveals discoveries about black holes | 世界首次!武大团队Nature发文揭秘黑洞新发现

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2023-07-27 18:11 来源: ChangjiangWeekly

  The world's leading multidisciplinary science journal, Nature magazine, published a research paper titled "Sub-second periodic radio oscillations in a microquasar" by Professor Wang Wei and his team from the Department of Astronomy, School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University on July 27. The study delves into the latest findings on black holes by utilizing China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST). Let's explore the details of these groundbreaking revelations!


  论文题目为“Sub-second periodic radio oscillations in a microquasar”(微类星体中的亚秒级周期射电振荡)。

  This groundbreaking study reports the first-ever observation of sub-millisecond, low-frequency radio quasi-periodic oscillations in microquasars. The findings establish a direct correlation between the quasi-periodic oscillations observed in black hole systems and relativistic jets. The detection of pulsating radio emissions from black holes holds immense importance in advancing our understanding of the origins and dynamics of relativistic radio jets emanating from compact celestial objects. Additionally, it is expected to pave the way for new opportunities in both observational and theoretical studies of black hole radio emissions.


  (Edited by Wu Jie)